Hearing Test
A hearing test provides a measurement of the sensitivity of a person’s hearing across the full range of speech. The test will measure the quietest sound that can be heard several points across the speech range – this hearing test is termed an audiogram.
If you have concerns around your hearing, a hearing test will give you a clear idea as to any potential issue that you may have, and what solutions might be available to you.
If you would like to book a hearing test, please click the “Book an Appointment” button below.
Childrens Hearing Test
In addition to offering hearing test for adults, The Hearing Clinic also has significant experience in working with children and performing paediatric hearing tests in both a hospital and private setting.
While the test remains primarily the same for both children and adults, in our experience a tailored approach specifically for children provides better results in a relaxed environment.
To discuss your child’s needs further, please feel free to contact us
Tympanonmetry is a test to assess your middle ear function. A flexible probe is placed in the ear canal, slight pressure applied. Used to identify glue ear, grommet function and ossicle function
In recent years, video otoscopy has brought about huge advances for audiologists in the examination of the ear. Wax and other abnormalities can be detected using this state of the art instrument.
An easy and comfortable examination, the screening process involves a tiny fibre-optic camera which is inserted into the ear canal. A real-time video will be displayed in high-definition on a monitor, enabling your audiologist to carry out a detailed inspection of the ear canal and ear drum. Physical abnormalities such as wax, infection or foreign bodies (e.g. cotton buds) are easily identifiable as a possible contributing factor to your symptoms of hearing loss.
Wax Removal
Ear wax is the one of the most common problems presented by patients with hearing issues. A full hearing test cannot be performed if a build-up of cerumen (ear wax) is present, so the initial inspection of your ear canal is an important factor in your treatment
Ear wax is the build-up of dirt and particles from the sebaceous glands and apocrine sweat glands in the canal. Normal levels of ear wax act as a protective layer, providing a barrier against dust and other bacteria entering the ear drum. However, excessive ear wax can often be the underlying cause of a hearing deficit.
At the Hearing Clinic we utilise a number of wax removal techniques including micro-suction and irrigation.
Book an Appointment
To book an appointment for any of the services listed above please click below